Monday, May 10, 2010


It's Monday what are you reading? Is a weekly meme hosted by bookjourney!

What I read last week:

What I'm reading this week:
Did the review for Secret Ties and This Lullaby yay for being caught up on my reviews! Reading The Mermaid's Mirror and I'm super excited about it but the only thing that sucks is that it's an e-reader ARC, and I don't have an e-reader so I'm stuck reading it on my PC. Which is a hassle cause I mean, I get distracted too easily on my PC. So for a slight moment I thought I wanted a Kindle, whew, good thing that moment's over! Haha. I might actually really want an e-reader though. Some day. But it won't stop me from buying actual books. I'll never stop buying actual books.

I haven't decided on what else to read. I'm having a hard time finishing Eyes Like Stars. So it's between Wings or Ink Exchange. I was thinking of reading Need or Divine by Mistake but I don't really want to start a new series... I'm really itching to read another Sarah Dessen novel to be honest :) but I do want to catch up with the Wicked Lovely series as well. *sigh so many choices!

Does anyone else ever feel like this? Please don't tell me I'm the only one!

Also!! I'm working on a novel... if I post a piece of it, would you guys be willing to give me honest advice? I'm pretty insecure about my writing but I'd like to know what you guys think!

What are you reading this week?