Whoooo it's December!
Anyone else wonder why they call it the happiest time of the year when it's probably accurately more like the most stressful time of the year?!
This year I'm spending the holidays with Nick and his family. His tradition? A real Christmas tree. Which is currently sitting pretty with its app controlled blinking lights behind me. That's causing me a crap ton of allergies. And the house doesn't even have a ridiculously overbearing scent of pine. I feel lied to. Also it requires to be watered. And it leaks sap. But it doesn't shed like my mom always told me it would! It's pretty cool. Totally different. But pretty cool (see Nick setting it up above).
To get in a more festive mood, I dyed my hair a color I've never tried before... Teal. Well it's more Turquoise but I love how it turned out! Besides, I needed a change. Also, I got that dress off Amazon for like $15. I'm in love with it!
Got my gifts from my Secret Santa too~! I'm so excited to open them! But I'm waiting until Christmas. Like I do every year. I also mailed out my SS gift yesterday! Wish I had taken a picture of it. I put a lottttttt of effort into it. Also, Nick did a good job with picking the packaging box. So cute that he helped me every step of the way and he got really into it too.
So SS, my boyfriend picked out all the quirky chocolates for you and the pretty box it's coming in!
Also I think it's worth it to mention that after TWELVE YEARS I finally got my white Christmas tree with its pastel glitter ornaments.
But then Sophie stole it.
It's okay, we'll share.
How are your holidays going so far?!