Hey guys! I know, it's been super long since I've dropped by. But I am working on making a post on that soon!
Today I'm posting my video review of The Walls Around Us by Nova Ren Suma. I haven't read any of her other books but if they're anything like this, I will definitely be starting to!
The one thing I liked the most about this read was the time frames. How it was told by one person in present tense and another in past tense who was living in the present. If that makes sense. And when the two time frames mashed together it was really interesting to see where the author was going to go with it. It has a bit of a spook factor to it but it was definitely a page turner for me.
Also, can we just admire this cover for a moment?
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*Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for providing me this amazing read in exchange for an honest review.
Contact me here: bookworm@lovemarie.net readarellablog@gmail.com
Review Policy
I would be happy to accept books for review in exchange for my honest opinion as long as the book is in either the YOUNG ADULT, EROTICA, NEW ADULT, CHICK-LIT and MIDDLE GRADE genre.
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