Monday, February 17, 2014

This isn't really a feature I do here, it's one I usually do on my Lifestyle Blog (and you'll see a post similar to this if you click over there today). I come across all these amazing quotes and graphics and inspiring things on Pinterest all the time and I figured, if I'm inspired why not share that? The world can never have too much inspiration floating around, amiright?

I feel like this quote has been following me around since NaNoWriMo last year. 

There's so much truth to this quote --- it's always easier to not do something in fear of failing then to actually do it and deal with disappointment. But the first step to do something is well... to actually do it, right? By not doing anything, you're failing. By not trying, you're giving up before you even start.

But starting is so scary when you're unsure of how to even do something or dealing with being disappointed with the outcome.

But... how can you improve if you don't even know where you stand?

No one is just born knowing how to do something. They're taught. They learn. They struggle before succeeding. That's the whole point. Seeing how far you've gone. Learning. Expanding. 

So this week instead of not doing something because I'm afraid of failing, I'll suck it and just do it. Because at least I took that first step.

What's something you've been putting off?


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