Saturday, January 5, 2013

It's 2013! Can you believe it? The world didn't end (again)! Every year I make resolutions because I like lists, what can I say? I know I'm awful at actually crossing things off of those lists but making lists are just so fun! I know, I have a problem...

2013 is going to be a very busy year, sort of like this year if you guys remember? Yeah, same concept hint hint but I'm going to do my best to do better than I did that year.

Book Blogging Resolutions

  • Read 60 books this year
Now to be fair, I had a bit of time to read if I wanted to last year which is why I did read 60 books when my goal was 50 but this year that might not be possible. However, watching that bar fill up? There's something very satisfying about it! M thinks I should only read "as much as I can" pffft boys. They don't understand!
  • Clean up Google Reader
This was my resolution for last year too but I never got around to it. I mean, I did but I never got through the whole list so hopefully before the middle of the month I'll have my Google Reader nice and tidy. Seeing 1000+ posts waiting to be read can be a bit overwhelming!
  • Change the blog theme
This was also a resolution for last year that I didn't do. Okay, seriously. I love my theme, to bits. I mean I've only had it for like three years but it's about time to let go. It will be hard, but it has to be done! It's not the end of the world Marie, if you want to you could always change it back! Goodness!
  • Be better at reviewing books that need to be reviewed
Especially NetGalley titles. They're adding up like crazy and my "approved" list is wayyy too high compared to my "reviewed" list. It's sad. Depressing. Absolutely depressing. I also want to be better at reviewing my Vine books on time.
  • Participate in more events
Last year I did a few blog tours and it was fun! I hope to participate in more this year as well as cover revels and guest author posts. 

Life Resolutions

  • Welcome change
  • Be happy
  • Learn to crochet and knit
  • Craft more
  • Be more organized
  • Take more pictures
  • Learn French
As you can see I don't have that many resolutions this year. I'm trying to keep it simple. I have a feeling I'm never going to learn French LOL but I'm determined to!! 

What are some things you're hoping to accomplish this year?


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