Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Seers by Heather Frost
Release Date: October 4th, 2011 by Bonneville
Details: 330 pages, hardcover
Series: Book #1
Source: NetGalley (Thank you NetGalley & Bonneville!)
Rating: 4 out of 5
Summary (Goodreads)
For Kate Bennett, surviving the car wreck that killed her parents means big changes — and even bigger problems. As she begins to see auras and invisible people, Kate must learn to trust Patrick O'Donnell, a handsome Guardian, or risk her life being overrun with Demons. She soon realizes that both she and her heart are in big-time trouble.

o0.| My Thoughts |.0o

Seers is about a girl named Kate who survives an accident, but her parents don't. She's left living with her grandparents (which are the cutest things EVER) and her twin sisters. But that's not all, Kate can see auras and she has a best friend who knows this secret (I don't know how I would ever bring this up to another human being). She also has a boyfriend (who I personally think is a douchebag) and she's trying her best to get her life back on track.

Seers kinda feels like de ja vu, doesn't it? And at first I felt that way, until Patrick comes strolling in. Mysterious, handsome, what-the-heck-is-he-doing-here (because we met him in the first chapter) Patrick. But Patrick wasn't just mysterious in the fact that Kate didn't understand why he was there, but it's a mystery for the readers too because... what the heck happened to you Patrick?! Along with Patrick, you get Toni. Ah, Toni... misbehaved, hilarious and just *sigh*. I reallyyy liked Toni. He was the humor, and he's horrible at following rules.

Seers took me by complete surprised, I thought I was in for a familiar ride but I was wrong. Kate does a pretty good job of handling herself even though she doesn't really know what she's doing. The concept of the guardians was an intriguing one, just like Kate, I was eating up everything Patrick had to tell about his experience and what this all was. And Kate's grandpa? He totally kicks butt, I LOVE him! Finally a story where the adults are present and a pleasure to be around! 

While I did love the characters and I really liked the plot, for some reason I didn't LOVE this novel. I really wanted to, but I just didn't. I am completely looking forward to the next novel though!


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