Saturday, August 28, 2010


Goddess Girls: Aphrodite The Beauty by Joan Holub & Suzanne Williams
Release Date: Aug 3rd, 2010
Details: 224 pages, paperback
Source: Purchased at B&N
Series: Yes. (Goddess Girls #3)
Rating: 4 out of 5
Summary (goodreads):
Aphrodite, the goddess girl of love, can hardly believe she's jealous! But after giving her best friend, Athena, a makeover, she's definitely feeling a little green. It just doesn't seem fair that the god boys who usually fawn over Aphrodite, are now paying more attention to Athena, who doesn't even care. When Aphrodite finds out the nerdy Hephaestus has a crush on her, she learns that love comes in many forms.

Ah, Aphrodite!

Aphrodite is sick of the attention from all the godboys and worries about her good friend Athena. So, she decides to give Athena a make over! It all works out until Aphrodite's crush Ares starts paying more attention to Athena than to Aphrodite.

I squealed when I found out that Ares was in this book, I'm a fan of Ares and I'm an Aries... probably why lol. But I wasn't too happy with his character! He was such a big meanie! Aphrodite was such a girly girl, which probably is obvious since she is the goddess of love... why wouldn't she be a girly girl? But she was a bit too girly girl for my taste. She didn't want the attention of the godboys anymore and yet she gets jealous when Athena gets it. Wasn't that what she wanted? I really liked Hephaestus and I wished she'd give him a bit of a chance.

I enjoyed this book, it was a cute fluffy read and a nice spin on the goddess of love! Also, the cover is gorgeous! I absolutely love how Aphrodite has pink ribbons in her hair that flow together with her curls!