Friday, August 27, 2010

I can't believe it's already Friday! Busy weekend ahead, again. I've had a bunch of busy weekends lately... what is up with that! I guess it has something to do with Wicked in SF closing on the 5th, the SF fans that go on a semi weekly basis have been scrambling to see as many shows as we can and prep for our final farewell. I can't believe it's ending so fast... it's really bittersweet :(

Time for the Book Blogger Hop! A weekly event hosted by Crazy for Books!

This weeks question is...

Do you use a rating system for your reviews and if so, what is it and why?

I don't really have a fancy rating system. I just recently started to use the 1-5 rating system, but it's nothing fancy, I just mention it with the book details. I'm hoping to get a fancy one with icons and every thing some time soon-ish.

Basically if a book is something I loved, would re-read or had me thinking about it long after I finished it, it gets a 5 out of 5. I normally hate rating a book 1 out of 5 but if it's something I don't see myself ever picking up again, then... you know.