Thursday, November 24, 2011

I didn't want to title this post a day of thanks or a month of thanks because really we should be thankful everyday. But because life can be unpredictable (read: kick us when we're least expecting it), it's sometimes hard. I'm glad there's a day, a month a year that we are all brought together with our families to share their presence (and food) and reflect on what's really important in life.

I have so much to be thankful for this year, so so much.

  • The chance to work my dream job and finally be able to experience Walt Disney World
  • All the amazing (and not so amazing) people I got to meet and work with
  • Making the most amazing and loving friends from around the world
  • My adorable and frustrating husband who makes me feel like I'm the best person in the world, even after 7 years
  • My family, even if I don't know what the heck is going on these days
  • My baby Jay, for still being my sunshine and still wanting belly rubs even if he's growling
  • My babygirl Meez, even if you're not with us anymore, we'll all still be thinking of you this holiday season. We love you and miss you ♥
  • My baby Boq, thank you for keeping me company the last 2 years, sleep well little one
  • For making Yelp Elite
  • For making Amazon Vine
  • For the YouTube monetize invitation
  • For books! Oh you are my world ♥
  • For the amazing followers of this blog, thank you for not making me feel like I'm uncool for loving books, you guys are awesome
  • For Disney for talking me into never giving up to reach my dream
  • For my cafe game for helping me doze off to sleep every night
  • For my space heater because MAN it is freezing!
  • For Starbucks, you give me a sense of comfort
  • For candles and their ability to soothe me
  • For life and all the things it gives and throws

I'm going going to do a giveaway, for all of you!

All you have to do is tell me 5 things you are thankful for. It can be anything. But I prefer to hear the smaller things in life you're thankful for (like flip flops or for spring to be here already or your favorite Starbucks drink). Winners will be picked on NOVEMBER 30TH. Not sure what the prize will be yet, but I'm thinking a copy of Shatter Me? (: