I have been taking a lot to weeks off lately and to me I kind of see it as unexceptionable since I did take the 7 months off while I did the Disney internship, but at the same time, it's my blog. I can do whatever I want!
Please tell me I'm not the only one who feels guilty for taking a few days off from their blog *sad face*.
November is such a stressful month (sidenote: I can NOT believe Thanksgiving is next freakin week, WHERE did the year GO)! Next week I'll be starting school back up at my normal college and I'll be enrolling in my previous community college (for a humanities and French class). Then there's the holidays coming up, Thanksgiving (I hate family holidays, by the way) and getting ready for Christmas. I always feel like the time in between Thanksgiving and Christmas is never long enough to enjoy or get ready for the holidays.
Daylight Savings has been messing with me, big time. No matter what time I sleep, it seems like getting up before noon is just impossible. I don't know WHAT is going on. The change of time + this getting dark early stuff + the cold is just not a good combo for me. Thank goodness Black Friday sales start at midnight, then I can spend the rest of the morning sleeping and not have to get up at an insane hour like 4AM just to get an external hard drive.
I'm currently reading Shatter Me and omgosh, it's making my life so difficult, seriously! Every time I put it down to do something else (that didn't get done that I was suppose to do), I pick it right back up because it's so good. I need to write my pending reviews before I read any more because I already know my brain will turn into mush once I'm done. And that's never a good thing!
Husband and I will be picking up our Christmas tree for our room today, I decided the tree will be teal and silver/white this year. I think it'll come out pretty. I'll post pictures when it's all done. We had a really pretty red/white one this one year. Then my mom either threw out or lost my Christmas tree (it's the small ones, mine was in my closet during the holidays. We're going to have this one next to the dresser). Boo.
How are you guys doing out there? Anyone else stressing/freaking out about doing a million things at once plus getting ready for the holidays?