Sunday, March 14, 2010

In My Mailbox is a weekly post thingie (haha, wow, for lack of better word) hosted by Kristi.

I wish I had known of this weekly-post-thingie sooner! I won't get to do a lot of these since my husband wants me to finish all my books before I get new ones, but I did get some new stuff last week!

I've already finished To Serve My Country, I'll be doing a review on that shortly.

I had the pleasure of meeting Patty Duke while she was here in San Francisco performing for Wicked (the musical) as Madam Morrible (honestly, one of my favorite Madam Morrible's) but I met her before knowing that she wrote this book (make sure to read the Playbills when you see a musical, who knows what info you may find in there), had I known, I probably would had much more to say to her. But she's a sweet old lady and a wonderful actress. 

Did you get any new books this passed week?


  1. Enjoy your books!

    Jennifer @ Mrs. Q: Book Addict

  2. Stealing Heaven is on my TBR list. I love Elizabeth Scott's books. Here is what's in my mailbox.

  3. I have yet to read any of Elizabeth Scott's books yet but have heard that Stealing Heaven is really good so hope you enjoy reading that.

  4. Thanks for visiting my site! Yours is gorgeous--I love the pinks! These look like great books. A Wicked fan, huh? I've seen it three times, but I have yet to see it in SF yet. Soon, though!!

  5. I have read Stealing Heaven and I really enjoyed, hope you like it too :)

  6. Cool books. I like the sound of Stealing Heaven. Can't wait for your review :)

  7. Thanks for commenting on mine! Have fun reading these, they look great!!

  8. HA, my hubby doesn't get a say in how many books I read, but then he wouldn't ask me to stop, he knows how much I love them :) How did you manage to smuggle in these books? I've never heard of these before so thanks for sharing! :)

  9. Some great reads!

    RE: Tales of Beedle the Bard
    Basically it's a fairy tale book mentioned in the Harry Potter books - it's set in the same world but I'd imagine (not read it yet so not sure)it'd be fine to read without having read the main stories. It's not a sequel or anything.

  10. Ooh, lovely books! Can't wait for your review of Stealing Heaven - I've been wanting to read that one! :)
